Monday, January 30, 2012

Duck: Simply Amazing

Roast duck with orange-pineapple glaze and kale potatoes. The glaze was a happy accident, and definitely not made from the pouch that comes in most frozen ducks. 

For crispy, well-cooked duck, score the skin and steam duck quarters for 45 minutes, then roast for 10 minutes a side. If you cook off the steam water, you can save the rendered duck fat for later use. I freeze it and use for sautéing potatoes.

When I steamed the duck, the orange-pinapple juice from the brine (always brine poultry!) dripped down along with the fat into the steaming water.  When I rendered the fat, the fruit juice reduced and became a syrup-like glaze which added a nice finish to the meal.

It also didn't hurt that Sarah made potato bread earlier.